Best Celebrity Outing Evah!

Kitt is totally gay:

Everybody's favorite 1980s TV car had a secret of his own that hasn't been publicly revealed until now. David Hasselhoff - Mr. Gayness himself - recently exposed the truth and revealed to a number of stunned fans in Ireland that his talking "Knight Rider" car was gay.

The actor - who is in Britain promoting his autobiography, a movie and a new single - shocked students when he came out with the comment about Kitt during an appearance at Trinity College in Dublin.

He said, "We have some fairly X-rated outtakes on 'Knight Rider.' Kitt was constantly asking, 'Do you want me to take you home Michael?' in that very camp voice of his."
David Hasselhoff is Mr. Gayness? I had no idea. I thought that was Rip Taylor. Wev. You be the judge:

By the way, this might be the greatest picture ever, in the history of photography:

(Story via Recon, of course.)

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