If you feel an extra breeze today, Chicagoland Shakers, it’s
probably just the combination of Bush’s bloviations and Hastert’s mouth-breathing.
The president has been backing Hastert as he fends off calls for him to resign over his handling of the congressional page scandal. The president on Wednesday called Hastert "very credible" and last week, a "father, teacher and coach who cares about the children of this country."
The political event in Chicago to benefit David McSweeney and Peter Roskam, two House candidates, marks the first time Bush has publicly appeared with Hastert since former Rep. Mark Foley resigned in disgrace over sexually explicit messages he sent to teenage male pages.
Bush is heading this way after what sounds like a superb event in St. Louis.
During Bush's speech, a woman in the crowd stood up and started chanting, "Out of Iraq now" and "Our troops are not renewable." Bush did not recognize her, but continued speaking as the crowd applauded him.
Event officials pulled her out of the audience by her jacket sleeve, and she shouted louder and louder with her fist in the air as she was escorted out of the room. "What are you doing? You're killing us!" she shouted at the president, as he continued with his speech.
Oy squared.
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