Second Verse, Same As The First

Get ready for more Lame Duckery! (bolds mine)

Bush to Hold News Conference on Iraq
WASHINGTON - With Iraq dominating the political debate, President Bush scheduled a news conference Wednesday to update the nation on the war. The White House said he would not announce any increase or decrease in troop levels.

Bush's meeting with reporters comes less than two weeks before midterm elections where Republicans are anxious about losing control of the House or Senate — or both. Iraq has emerged as the top issue and polls show that most Americans are unhappy with the president's strategy.

October has been the deadliest month this year for American forces. The military Tuesday announced the deaths of two more U.S. Marines, a sailor and a soldier. Since the start of the war, more than 2,800 U.S. service members have died in Iraq. There are currently 144,000 U.S. forces in Iraq.

"Obviously there is a lot going on on the security and political situation in Iraq and it's important that the president also update the American people on the state of the conflict," White House deputy press secretary Dana Perino said.

She said Bush would not announce a change of troop levels. "This is more of a discussion, an explanation" following on briefings this week by U.S. Ambassador Zalmay Khalizad, the top U.S. envoy in Iraq; Gen. George W. Casey Jr., the top U.S. commander in Iraq, and Gen. Peter Pace, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
An explanation... of what, exactly? There is exactly one thing that interests everyone concerning Iraq: when the hell are we getting out of there? If an increase or decrease in troop levels are not going to be discussed, than what is this?

Oh, of course, the usual Bush "say nothing" Iraq press conference. The same speech he's been making for years. They could just stand up a cardboard cutout of Bush and play a tape. There is no "strategy;" there never has been. The only reason to tune in to these things anymore is to see if Bush throws a tantrum.

Frankly, I'm amazed they got Prezint Whiny McIhatemyjobberson to speak to the press. Just send him back to the ranch; that's where he wants to be, anyway.

UPDATE: In the time it took me to type this post, the headline to the above article changed from "Bush to Hold News Conference on Iraq" to "Bush Says He's Concerned About Iraq." Well, gee, that's good. He's concerned. What a guy. What a leader.

What an ass.

MORE UPDATE: Now, the headline is "Bush Acknowledges US Concern on Iraq." Now we're concerned, too. And he feels our pain. See, he's not so out of touch! I wonder if he read about our "concern" on the google?

(I got married to the c ross-post next door, she's been married seven times before...)

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