Hanging out at Denny's

Nothing much to do but wait until Hastert decides to come out and say something, apparently. One assumes he's spending a lot of time on the phone, trying to rally support for his continued employment. One also assumes that he hasn't bothered to call Majority Whip Roy Blunt, who made his stand fairly clear yesterday.

Regarding Blunt: His political opponent, Jack Truman (who commented here a couple of days ago), has some things to say - and none of them good - about Blunt's role in the ever-expanding Mark Foley scandal.

Also: newly-unemployed congressional aide Kirk Fordham says he told the Speaker's office three years ago of Foley's predatory nature, the ethics committee probe into the Foley mess gets underway, and principals in the FBI investigation are lawyering up.

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The man who knew...nothing?
Roy Blunt makes his move


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