We are very concerned that the early warnings of Mr. Foley’s odd behavior toward young male pages may have been overlooked or treated with deference, fearing a backlash from the radical gay rights movement because of Mr. Foley’s sexual orientation. It appears that the integrity of the conservative majority has given way to political correctness, trading the virtues of decency and respect for that of tolerance and diversity.Yo, jackholes—respect for tolerance and diversity is a virtue of decency.
And, btw, having, or wanting to have, the support of the “radical gay rights movement”—something in which the GOP has been clearly disinterested—is a prerequisite for fearing a backlash from them. Otherwise, it's just lashing as usual.
Imagine having the kind of mind that allows you to assert, without a hint of irony or the merest suggestion of logic or ethics, that the “radical gay rights movement” would be more angry about taking action against a man who was soliciting underage boys than about trying to codify discrimination against them into the Constitution.
Final Thought: The conservative majority never had integrity in the first place.
(Hat tip Holly.)
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