The fries on Capitol Hill are French again.Not only is it completely ridiculous that this bullshit happened in the first place, it's also skull-thumpingly insane that they've been keeping this up for the last three years. Then add to that the fact that people feel the need to refuse to comment on this fucking stupidity.
So is the breakfast toast in the congressional cafeterias, with both fries and toast having been liberated from the appellation "freedom."
Three years after House Republicans trumpeted the new names to get back at the French for snubbing the coalition of the willing in Iraq, congressmen don't even want to talk about french fries, which are actually native to Belgium, and toast.
Neither Reps. Bob Ney of Ohio nor Walter B. Jones of North Carolina, the authors of the culinary rebuke, were willing this week to say who led the retreat, as it were, from the frying pan. But retreat there has been, as a casual observer can see for himself in the House's basement cafeterias.
"We don't have a comment for your story," said a spokeswoman for Mr. Ney.
Several Republican staffers and lawmakers suggest that the change isn't worth investigating, unlike the eagerness in March 2003 to get into the headlines about patriotism on the menu.
Three goddamn years.
Jesus, these people are fucking stupid.
(Tip 'o the Energy Dome to August. Two triple cheese, side order of cross-posts...)
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