Why do you blog?

Recently Mannion found himself tasked with answering the question, “Why do you blog?”—which turned into a meme of sorts that was picked up by Kevin. Their answers are both very good, but I’m not sure they’re as dignified as mine.

Konagod: “I had to think of some way to mention National Clown Week: August 1-7. When I did a search of ‘clown week’ in Google, one of the results was Shakespeare's Sister. That figures.”


And a quick glance at the search terms that bring people to Shakespeare’s Sister is informative as to niche we’re carving out for ourselves: “titty” is the fourth-ranked term for bringing visitors to Shakes. Some of my other favorites are: real doll, sugar tits, strap-on with clit stimulator (props to Misty for that one!), sister fucks, sick stuff, Rumsfeld is an arrogant prick, Republican pedophiles, pootie, pigass, old perverts fucking, and my penis is singing.

Of course, in digging out all these strange terms, I noticed a few others of a different sort that brought people by way of this bus stop in the blogosphere: my rights end where yours begin, rape victims and their stories, hope and cynicism, movies that make you cry, how to file rape charges, egalitarianism, meaningful connection with other people.

Perhaps looking at search terms to explain why you blog isn’t such a silly idea after all.

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