There’s whale vomit in them thar hills!

Mmm…whale vomit rush:

North Wales is facing a gold rush after 'whale vomit' was found washed up on its beaches.

Valuable ambergris - known as floating gold - has recently been found at Rhos on Sea and Shell Island, reports the Daily Post. Finds of ambergris can be worth around £2,000 - and they could lead to a gold rush among would-be beachcombers. Ambergris is used to produce perfume and can fetch more than £10 a gram.

It is produced when the whale has been eating squid and their parrot-like beaks have irritated the walls of its innards.
Isn’t humankind amazing? Give them lemons, they make lemonade. Give them whale vomit, and they make perfume.

(Yes, btw, that cartoon whale is actually hurling chunks of ambergris. I may be vulgar, but I’m factually accurate with my Photoshopping.)

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