Aside: Does anyone else consider it the height of bitter irony that debris clean-up is still unfinished a year later, under the leadership of a president who spends his plentiful vacation time clearing brush?
The Lowe Down
"It's so devastating, it's so sad. It looks like it happened last month. It's so depressing." — Rob Lowe on the “still decimated Ninth Ward of New Orleans.” (Lowe is there shooting a movie; he was offered Canada or New Orleans and took a pay cut to go to NOLA so he could help bring business back there.)
Aside: Does anyone else consider it the height of bitter irony that debris clean-up is still unfinished a year later, under the leadership of a president who spends his plentiful vacation time clearing brush?
Aside: Does anyone else consider it the height of bitter irony that debris clean-up is still unfinished a year later, under the leadership of a president who spends his plentiful vacation time clearing brush?
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