I think the living would envy the dead!

So, I’m writing a horror novel and I’m publishing it in serial format via Blogger. It’s about a young man in southern Maine who watches his world fall apart when the country is faced with an epidemic no one was prepared for- an epidemic of zombies.

Here’s a preview:
I drifted. Couldn’t sleep, no matter how tired I was, but drifting was okay. Dad would be home soon, we’d have dinner, maybe watch a movie… I still had some homework to do… and there was someone under my bed. What? No, of course not. Didn’t make any sense. But I had to force myself to breath regularly again, and I started sweating, even though it was very cool. Because there was a, a someone, a something, right below me, listening to me breathe, maybe even timing its breaths to match mine so I wouldn’t hear anything. Maybe it didn’t have to. Maybe it wasn’t breathing at all.

I could’ve checked. Simplest thing, move over to the side and poke my head down. I listened, instead. My parents slept downstairs, their bedroom was right below mine, and I wondered if there was something underneath their bed too. And in their closet. I had a closet. There were, what five or six closets in the whole house, anybody could be inside. Or under the couch. Or behind the woodpile in the basement.

Not just our house, either. There were ten or twenty other houses in the neighborhood, more down the road, more when you got to town, apartment buildings and motels, and there were cities and other places all over the state, and the next state too, every state, thousands, hundreds of thousands of millions of beds and closets and dark places where things could hide. Were hiding. You couldn’t get free of them no matter where you went. And there was something under my bed. And, like all the others, it was getting ready to come out…
Right now I’m aiming for three installments each week, around a 1,000 words per installment- this might slow down once the fall hits, but I will update at least once a week, guaranteed. The site needs some more work (suggestions welcome), but Shakespeare’s Sis is giving me some pointers, as well as providing me with an absolutely badass logo.

Give it a try (via clicking the previously mentioned badass logo)- I promise you won’t be disappointed.

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