I Love Chicago - #2,536 in a Series

Sure, people love to attack Gov. Blagojevich, but he's got my vote. Time and again, he really shows that he has the people of Illinois in mind.

His latest announcement? EC is going to be available over the counter, no matter what the FDA says.
CHICAGO -- Gov. Rod Blagojevich said Wednesday he'll find a way to make emergency contraception available in Illinois without a prescription, prompting criticism from his opponent in the upcoming election.

Blagojevich urged the Food and Drug Administration to approve over-the-counter sales of the morning-after pill in a letter sent to the agency Wednesday. If the FDA fails to act, he pledged to introduce legislation in the fall that would allow Illinois pharmacies to dispense it.

And if that doesn't work, Blagojevich said he might issue an executive order that would circumvent legislative approval.

"The evidence is clear and overwhelming that making Plan B available over-the-counter is the right thing to do," he said in the two-page letter.
His opponent, Rep. Judy Baar Topinka (who admittedly is pretty moderate on some social issues), supports the sale of EC without a prescription, but availability is dependent on the woman's (or girl's) age.

And Jessica reminds us:
You may remember that Gov. Blagojevich has already shown support for EC by requiring pharmacists in his state to fill women’s prescriptions--even if their “conscience” doesn’t want them to. (You know, the kind of conscience that says premarital sex is for whores.)
Rock on, Blagojevich. Rock on, Chicago. Wheaties- breakfast of champions.

(Rock and roll cross-posts...)

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