Ha, Ha!

I guess his schemes aren't working so well these days.

Court rules DeLay's name stays on ballot
NEW ORLEANS - A federal appeals court panel on Thursday refused to let Texas Republicans replace Tom DeLay's name on the November congressional ballot.

A three-judge panel of the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals upheld a ruling by U.S. District Judge Sam Sparks, who said in July that DeLay name had to stay on the ballot even though he quit from Congress and moved to Virginia.
Well, unfortunately for him, they saw through his little shell game:
Thursday's ruling said that GOP state chairwoman Tina Benkiser acted unconstitutionally when she tried to remove DeLay as the party nominee because he lived in Virginia. Democrats had noted that DeLay's wife, Christine, still lives in the DeLays' house in Sugar Land, just outside Houston.

The U.S. Constitution says that anyone who lives in the state on the day of the election is qualified to run for Congress, the 5th Circuit said.

"Proof of DeLay's present residency may suggest where he will be in the future; however, it does not put the matter beyond dispute or question," the opinion said.

I wonder how the Family Values crowd feels about DeLay leaving his wife behind in Sugar Land while he sweats and waits for his upcoming criminal trial?

Mmmmmm.... sugar land....

Sorry... got distracted there for a second.

Call me petty, but I think every time a Tom DeLay dirty trick is thwarted, an angel gets their wings.

(Cross-post on board... how I've adored...that sign on my car window pane...)

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