The gods must be crazy

Bizarro GOP Rep. Jean Schmidt has pat answers for "why they hate us" in the Middle East (or just about anywhere else):

  • they think we're capricious, uncaring gods
  • they're ungrateful buggers
  • they don't understand technology

But out of the mouths of the deranged comes occasional wisdom. This deep thinker representing the Second District of Ohio did manage, despite herself, to get one thing absolutely right:

For the United States the lesson must be -- as we head down a different path of foreign diplomacy - Evil that is ignored is indeed Evil that is assisted. The oppressed will always remember.

Or as the considerably more thoughtful Robert Fisk warns regarding the American-blessed war on Lebanon:

I’m traveling around the south, increasingly outraged at what I see, as a human being. And I’m not a Muslim. I’m not a Muslim. And I keep saying to myself, “If I was a Muslim, how much more outraged might I be?” I turned to an American friend of mine tonight back in Beirut before I came home, and I said, “You know, I’ve been watching this now for more than two weeks, and there's going to be another 9/11.” There’s going to be another 9/11, and then we’re going to hear all the usual claptrap about how it’s good versus evil, and they hate us because we’re good and democratic, and they hate our values, and all the other material that comes out of the rear end of a bull that your president and my prime minister talk.

The oppressed will always remember. God help us.

(Hat tip to Atrios. Cross-posted.)

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