A freelance journalist and blogger was jailed on Tuesday after refusing to turn over video he took at an anticapitalist protest here last summer and after refusing to testify before a grand jury looking into accusations that crimes were committed at the protest.The ACLU and the San Francisco Board of Supervisors are on the case. The Society of Professional Journalists are contributing to Wolf’s defense fund.
The freelancer, Josh Wolf, 24, was taken into custody just before noon after a hearing in front of Judge William Alsup of Federal District Court. Found in contempt, Mr. Wolf was later moved to a federal prison in Dublin, Calif., and could be imprisoned until next summer, when the grand jury term expires, said his lawyer, Jose Luis Fuentes.
Scary stuff. With more and more bloggers start delving into original reporting, and streaming their own video footage, this may be only the first skirmish in what could turn into an ugly battle between citizen journalists and a government increasingly hostile to the media.
(Hat tip BlogActive.)
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