You'll be Swell... You'll be Great...

Hello, folks. With Shakes' kind permission, I'm doing a little show whoring post here, and letting you all know about my upcoming performance. I'm hopping on the next airship to the Big Apple; if you're in the NYC area, and are so inclined, feel free to come check us out.

I'm in a sketch comedy group called Project Mayhem (warning, website hasn't been updated in a good long while), and we're doing an "audition" show of sorts at The Pit in NYC. We're basically doing a shorter version of our show to see if they want to invite us as a regular act. Here's the nitty gritty:

Please arrive by 6:30pm.


The PIT - People's Improv Theater
154 W 29th St (6th-7th Ave, closer to 7th)
TRAINS: 1 to 28th St.

For Reservations
Call 212.563.7488 or visit The Pit Website.
Feel free to drop me an email or pipe up in comments if you have any questions. It would be great to have some comedy loving Shakers there! We're trying out a few new sketches in this show; I get to play a Bond-Esque villain in one, which makes me very happy.

As I'll have little to no internet access while I'm gone, Shakes has kindly offered to keep things running over in Spudville, so if you're a reader over there, it won't be empty for a week.

See you all soon!

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