What up, Google?

Michael just emailed me to tell me that Google’s Gmail is serving ads linking to HeteroPride.

Tired of seeing homosexuals bragging about their sexual preference? Now you too can join the ranks of those who vocalize their sexual preference with our brand new local Heteropride® chapters.

A robust Heteropride® Chapter will have at least ten active Heterosexuals, but you can get started with as few as two. Even with just one or two Heterosexuals you can initiate simple activities. Use simple actions and social events to cultivate a larger cohort of active Heterosexuals. Once you have assembled a group of five to ten committed Heterosexuals, you have enough people to start preparing for bigger public actions.
Yeesh. This site is so idiotic, I swear it’s like an Onion satire.

“Pride” is a reaction to shame. Until someone tries to shame you for your sexuality, gender, skin color, religious beliefs, etc., you don’t need to start a pride movement, k?

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