So! Thought you could pull a fast one on Dr. Zero, eh?

Hello, folks! I'm back from New York City (Nooo Yawrk CITY??); the show went really well. We sold every seat in the house, and the audience had a blast. Our two new sketches got a great reaction, and our tech guy had done some video skits parodying MySpace that got big laughs.

Yep, that's me with the guns, playing Dr. Zero: Arch-villain, heartless and cold, enemy of all that is good, who is defeated easily by a quick kick to the balls. I'm wearing an eye patch under my glasses.

Well, I thought it was funny.

Also, a BIG thank you to Shakespeare's Sister for keeping everything humming in Spudville while I was away. She's a peach, that one. *mwah*

So, did I miss anything?

Aw, christ... Someone's always gotta upstage you....

(Thanks again for all the great cross-posts, Shakes!)

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