Oh, Indiana, why do you shame me?

South Bend retrofuck jackholes have defeated an LGBT anti-discrimination measure for the second time by showing up in droves to the City Council’s four-hour hearing yesterday. Many of those who showed up to oppose the measure “wore stickers that said special status equals special rights.” The measure failed by a vote of 5-4.

You know, I agree with those stickers. The special status we hetero Hoosiers enjoy which allows us to live lives free of discrimination based on our sexual orientation does indeed confer upon us special rights—which is, I believe, what the measure was trying to remedy. Although something tells me that’s not exactly the interpretation the sticker-bearing bumblefucks had in mind.

Once again, I find myself ashamed of my state. Although, in good news, the city councils of Bloomington and Indianapolis unanimously approved LGBT anti-discrimination measures earlier this year and late last year, respectively. Now get it together, South Bend!

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