
They never fail to amaze. Just when you think right-wing blowhards have scraped the bottom of the barrel clean, they manage to dig through and find another layer. Michael Savage, apparently insanely jealous of all the attention Ann Coulter's been getting lately, opened his piehole and let this mess of offal slide out:
On the July 6 broadcast of his nationally syndicated radio show, Michael Savage declared that "[l]iberalism is, in essence, the HIV virus" because it "weakens the defense cells of a nation." Savage described the "defense cells of a nation" as including the police, which have been undermined by the "ACLU viruses," and the military, which has been weakened by "[Sen.] Barbara Boxer [D-CA] viruses." Savage also claimed the liberalism "virus" has weakened "the church ... particularly the Catholic Church."


Upon re-airing the monologue on the July 7 broadcast of The Savage Nation, Savage boasted that it was "one of the best verbal pieces I've ever done in my years in radio" and that the monologue was "almost flawless."
(Bolds mine)
I find myself at a loss at how to even begin to speak about this.

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