Is There a Lawyer in the House?

(Misty and I were apparently typing at the same time. Clicky to read her thoughts, too.)

Here's a chance for you to give back to the community, and feel good about what you do, too. Skateboarding T-shirts aren't a crime, man!

I really don't have anything to say about the knuckleheadedness of this situation; the story speaks for itself. This crackdown on any form of speech contrary to the wishes of Dear Leader needs to be stopped. Ferner mentions at the end that any interested lawyers should contact him.

In his last spoken word album, Jello Biafra mentioned a concept that I've always liked... one way for professionals to give back to the community is by... giving back to the community. Simply volunteering your services (that you normally do for a living) for free to those who need it and can't afford it. I'm hoping to do this myself, once I have my degree and I'm full-force in the therapy game.

So... any lawyers out there wanna help a guy out?

(Energy dome tip to Crooks & Liars. I get high with a little help from my cross-posts.)

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