It’s like a big Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup of conservative hogwash.
Hey, you got your intolerance in my stupidity!
Jackson Muslims and a statewide interfaith group reacted with disgust Wednesday to reports that the national anti-abortion group Operation Save America burned a Quran during a Tuesday night gathering at a Pearl church.Hey, you got your stupidity in my intolerance!
Imam Shaheed Muhammad of Masjid Muhammad in Jackson said Islam opposes abortion.D’oh!
"We don't support abortion," he said. "I don't know why they would attach us on that issue."
There is an explanation, though. Operation Save America is not just content to focus on ripping reproductive rights out of women’s hands. During their demonstration, they tore up “copies of six U.S. Supreme Court rulings related to religion in public schools, sodomy and abortion” and a gay pride flag, along with the Quran. They just hate everyone, basically.
(Via Memeorandum.)
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