I’d like to wedge this issue right up some conservative cornholes

Political Wire:

"Gay marriage may soon run out of steam as a political issue in the states, but there's little danger that a ceasefire is imminent in the culture wars. If this year's Arkansas governors' race is any indication, the next big issues may be gay foster parenting and gay adoption," Governing reports.

The reason is simple: 19 states already ban gay marriage and at least six more will be voting on it this fall. There's not much else activists can do in these states. "In contrast, the vast majority of states currently allow gay foster parenting and gay adoption."
There’s “not much else activists can do” to harass and marginalize the LGBT community when it comes to marriage equality, so the family values crowd has decided to move on to destroying gay families, instead.

Question: Could I hate these people more?

Answer: No.

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