I love this guy.

You've just got to admire anyone who makes life so interesting.

A year ago, Kyle MacDonald (leave it to a Scot) “set out to barter one red paper clip for something and that thing for something else, over and over again until he had a house.” Well, he got his house, with a little help from Craigslist, Corbin Bernsen, and Alice Cooper along the way.

It began when MacDonald, an aspiring writer, doer of odd jobs and apartment dweller, advertised in the barter section of the Craigslist Web site that he wanted something bigger or better for one red paper clip. He traded it for a fish-shaped pen, and posted on Craigslist again and again.

Roaming Canada and the United States, he exchanged the pen for a ceramic knob, and in turn: a camping stove, a generator, a beer keg and Budweiser sign, a snowmobile, a trip to the Canadian Rockies, a supply truck and a recording contract. Next, in April, he got himself really close, obtaining a year's rent in Phoenix…
You can read more about it at his blog, and, apparently, sign the Alice Cooper Hall of Fame Petition while you’re there, which will no doubt make my Londoner Andy quite pleased, Sick Thing that he is.

(And, yes, I know Alice Cooper is a stinking Republican. Actually, I’m fairly certain I know more about Alice Cooper than any right-minded person should.)

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