An herbal remedy for government-induced dyspepsia

Disgruntled, tea-drinking liberal traitors take note: there's now a cure for what ails you.

Hold a Tea Party to overthrow King George!

Is your country turning into a totalitarian state? Are you saddened by the destruction of our democracy? This zesty blend of high-quality black teas, infused with the aromas of ripening peaches and cool, dewy mint leaves, is sure to calm your nerves! Just drink up, and take "Mmm... Peach Mint" power into your own hands!
Mmm...Peach Mint tea comes complete with its own set of particular brewing instructions ("If the Bush Administration is bringing you to a boil, add one teaspoon and visualize impeachment. That's it; mission accomplished!") and 10% of the profits will be donated to ImpeachPAC. As they say, it makes a great gift. So drink up, you dirty liberals!

(Crossposted at AlterNet PEEK.)

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