Evidently, I'm On the Wrong Career Path

I should have gotten my Bachelor's in "Selling Crazy Crap on Ebay."

Ebay Sea Monster
Mermaid or sea monster or something much, much worse?

That's what the lucky (or unlucky) winner of a strange eBay auction is now hoping to find out.

The bidder "Mystery Museum" paid $1,550 for the "dead" sea monster, leading some monster watchers to speculate that the bizarre beach find will join other freakish things in some sort of public display, somewhere.

See? Do a little dumpster-diving at Universal Studios, and you too could be making thousands of dollars on a lump of latex. Some people have way too much money.

I really hope that "Mystery Museum" runs some freakshow attraction on Coney Island. That would be great.

In the meantime, I'll be looking closely at all my potato chips for any signs of Jesus.

(The Cross-post that ate Cincinnati...)

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