President Vladimir Putin lashed out at Vice President Dick Cheney ahead of this weekend's G-8 summit…Snap!
Cheney, in a May speech in the ex-Soviet republic of Lithuania, accused Russia of cracking down on religious and political rights and of using its energy reserves as "tools of intimidation or blackmail."
Asked about Cheney's remarks, Putin said, "I think the statements of your vice president of this sort are the same as an unsuccessful hunting shot."
Of course, Russia indeed has a lot for which to answer. Putin’s own former economic advisor, Andrei Illarionov, describes the country as “two sides, two countries. One is a country of bureaucracy, the disregard of law, a country of lawlessness, of backwardness and non-freedom. The authorities are on that side and they are terrorizing the other country, the country of citizens.” Huh. Sounds familiar.
Which is why Putin might just be agitated enough by Mr. Kettle calling him black to suggest his comments are like a hunting shot that hits another man instead of a quail.
(Thanks to my girlfriend Miller for passing that one along.)
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