Calling All Bleeding Hearts

A collection of bloggers at ScienceBlogs have set up challenges to raise money to help schoolteachers fund educational projects for their students. The projects on which they’re focusing, in conjunction with, don’t require huge donations—just a little bit here and there to help public school teachers to provide the books, equipment, and field trips to, as Mike the Mad Biologist says, make science come alive for kids. And with the constant assault on science in the classroom, the cause of turning kids on to science is more important than ever.

If you can’t afford to donate, you can always help just by passing on the word. Below you’ll find the ScienceBlogs bloggers who are participating with Bloggers Challenges.

A Blog Around the Clock (challenge here)
Adventures in Ethics and Science (challenge here)
Aetiology (challenge here)
Afarensis (challenge here)
Cognitive Daily (challenge here)
Evolgen (challenge here)
Gene Expression (challenge here)
Good Math, Bad Math (challenge here)
Island of Doubt (challenge here)
Mike the Mad Biologist (challenge here)
Neurotopia, version 2.0 (challenge here)
Pharyngula (challenge here)
Pure Pedantry (challenge here)
The Questionable Authority (challenge here)
The Scientific Activist (challenge here)
Stranger Fruit (challenge here)
Terra Sigillata (challenge here)
Uncertain Principles (challenge here)
The World's Fair (challenge here)

(Crossposted at Ezra’s place.)

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