Apparently, Someone Out There Still Thinks This is Worth Broadcasting

See, they were right...the Voting Rights Act isn't necessary in America, because obviously, racism doesn't exist anymore.
On the July 27 broadcast of his nationally syndicated radio program, Michael Savage suggested that the purpose of the recently passed 25-year extension of the Voting Rights Act is to "put voting machines in crack houses." Acknowledging that "I don't really know what they mean by reaffirming the Voting Rights Act," Savage nonetheless asked whether the extension would ensure that there is "a chad in every crack house" and voting machines in "prisons."

From the July 27 broadcast of Talk Radio Network's The Savage Nation:

SAVAGE: I don't really know what they mean by reaffirming the Voting Rights Act. Do they mean they're going to put a chad in every crack house? What are they going to do -- spend 10 billion dollars to make sure they have voting machines in crack houses?


SAVAGE: What is this Voting Rights Act reauthorization? What is this big deal? If you're an American over a certain age, you can vote. What are they talking about? What is this nonsense? What does [Rev. Al] Sharpton want, what does [Rev. Jesse] Jackson want? A couple of hundred million dollars to put voting machines in crack houses? What does he want? I don't get it -- and prisons?

Because, you know, the minorities that the Act is protecting are only in crack houses and prisons, after all.

Bolds are theirs, although I probably would place emphasis on the "If you're an American over a certain age, you can vote" comment as well. Apparently, Savage hasn't paid the slightest bit of attention to the last two Presidential elections.

Audio at the link, if you can stomach it.

(C is for cross-post, that's good enough for me...)

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