Question of the Day

Stolen shamelessly from Matt (who’s got some great answers at his place): What are your favorite opening shots of movies?

I’ll just repeat the answer I left there…

Lost in Translation was one of the first that came to my mind, even before I scrolled down to see [he]’d included it on [his] list.

I adore the opening of Garden State, in which Braff’s character is sitting silent and still among hysterical people on a descending plane.

I could go on endlessly listing favorites for various aesthetic reasons, but a particular sentimental favorite is the opening of Love, Actually, which is a series of people greeting one another at Heathrow Airport. I love watching people meet at airports, throwing arms around each other’s necks and stepping back to drink in the vision of someone they haven’t seen in ages. And having spent the first part of my relationship with [Mr. Shakes] 4,000 miles apart, scenes of people meeting at airports (especially Heathrow) always makes me feel both nostalgic and relieved that we don’t have to do that anymore.

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