“It Makes Me Wanna Go Poopy”

I love HBO. Love it, love it, love it. When, for years, I didn’t have cable, the only thing I really missed was HBO. There are many reasons to adore HBO, but one of my personal favorites is their comedy specials; I’ve seen every George Carlin special ever, and I say with all sincerity that my life is better for it.

Now, I also love Louis Black. His “Back in Black” segments are one of my favorite bits of The Daily Show.

So when HBO teamed up with Louis Black, well, I was just a happy, happy girl.

He’s got a new (his second) HBO special, called Red White & Screwed, which is running on HBO this month (and available OnDemand, if you’ve got Comcast). It’s brilliant; I’ve already watched it twice and can’t recommend it enough.

Arlen at The Daily Background spliced together these two bits from the special—a segment on the Katrina disaster and another on gay marriage, which is both righteous and hilarious. (NOT WORK SAFE.) But seriously, if you have the opportunity to watch the whole thing, do. His riff on Cheney’s hunting accident nearly ended me—and he also speaks at length about doing the White House Correspondents’ Dinner last year, which gives new perspective to just how brave Colbert really was.

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