Happy Graduation Day; This School Sucks!

I wonder if this kid watches The Colbert Report:

Graduating student Kyle Stublen had seen it all: the illiterate football players praised and promoted at every turn, the methodical crimes of stealing college-prep test answers, the bored "guidance counselors" who told kids not to bother with college, even the lines of students snorting coke and smoking dope in the bathrooms at lunchtime.

Annoyed by the faculty's blind eye to what was really going on at Charlotte High School, he decided to address these issues in a venue where people might actually pay attention. Stublen, a member of the debate team and would-be trial lawyer, stunned his fellow students, their parents and the school's staff by reading a scathing, bitter speech at his graduation ceremony.
Stublen was chosen after a try-out at which he read a speech with, ahem, a slightly different tone. After giving his real speech at graduation, the school withheld his diploma for five days, finally releasing it after they realized that being pissed off wasn’t a legitimate reason to keep it from him.

There’s a big debate in his Florida town over his speech; some are, inevitably, accusing him of ruining his fellow graduating seniors’ big day, and others are congratulating him on speaking to important issues that need to be addressed, but are routinely ignored. It was, to be sure, an inappropriate venue by one definition, but by another, there was arguably no better place to point out the real failings of a troubled school.

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