Failure, Failure Everywhere!

In one of John Hughes’ lesser (but no less fantabulous) classics, Some Kind of Wonderful, there’s a scene during the climactic party at rich asshole Hardy Jenns’ house in which Duncan the Awesome Punk (played by woefully underrated Elias Koteas) storms in and makes a mockery of Hardy and his collection of pants-wetting friends, who are all talk and no balls when it comes right down to brass knuckles. Our ginger-haired hero Keith, upon taking his leave, says to Hardy, “You’re over,” and we just know that Hardy will never reek of gorilla testosterone again.

Wait a second. I’m getting the lord of the rich asshole chickenhawks confused with Bill Frist.

It’s an easy mistake to make, considering that Frist and his own collection of rich asshole chickenhawks are totally over, too.

Senators voted Thursday to reject a Republican effort to abolish taxes on inherited estates during an election year with control of Congress at stake.

GOP leaders had pushed senators to permanently eliminate the estate tax, which disappears in 2010 under President Bush's first tax cut, but rears up again a year later.

A 57-41 vote fell three votes short of advancing the bill. Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist, R-Tenn., said the Senate will vote again this year on a tax that opponents call the "death tax."

"Getting rid of the death tax is just too important an issue to give up so easily," he said.
I'm here to kick your ass, and you know it, and everybody here knows it, and above all, you deserve it. In fact, I think it's safe to say that this party is about to become a historical fact.

If only, Duncan. If only.

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