Ann Coulter Plagiarism Watch

The Rude Pundit here and here. (Via Gideon.) And Raw Story here.

Btw, did anyone watch Coulter on The Tonight Show last night? She was a crazy mess, as usual. Carlin’s face contorted into an expression conveying the excruciating pain of sitting beside her. Leno sorta pretended to ask her some tough questions, then wrapped it up by telling her it’s “always fascinating” having her on the show (after introducing her by comparing her to Michael Moore). I just can't get enough of Coulter claiming that the 9/11 widows are beyond criticism as she criticizes them.

I switched over after watching Stephen Colbert on Letterman, who was great. Letterman’s monologue including the following joke (paraphrased): “New Zealand now has a live sex act in which people can watch bulls mount a mock cow. Good to see Ann Coulter getting some work.”

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