Al Gore in a landslide, or Hillary in a crushing defeat

A new behavior prediction model, called Affective Encryption Analysis, which was originally developed as “a potential tool for the intelligence community” (much like George Tenet), has found that Al Gore is the only possible Democratic challenger who could win in 2008. Having absolutely no idea whatsoever what the methodology behind this model is, which gives me no ability to critique its value or possible efficacy, I pass on this information with the caveat that my personal opinion of its worth is nothing other than amusement. (Even if the methodology is sound, it’s far too soon for predictions like this to be viable, anyway.)

Using a new research tool called Affective Encryption Analysis, Dr. Herndon led an investigation into the likely outcome of the 2008 Presidential election…

Among the surprises was the overall weakness of potential Democratic presidential challengers.

“Despite the widespread public dissatisfaction with the George W. Bush administration, our results showed even greater ill-feelings toward potential Democratic challengers,” says Dr. Herndon. “But there was one exception: Al Gore.”

“With a predictive accuracy of 93%, our results showed that Al Gore would easily defeat any Republican challenger in 2008. However, he is the only Democrat on the scene today who has the ability to defeat the likely Republican challengers, who we believe will be either John McCain or Jeb Bush.”

Results were not rosy for Hillary Clinton. “Hillary Clinton would suffer a disastrous defeat at the hands of any Republican who receives the nomination,” states Dr. Herndon.

Should Al Gore decide not to seek the 2008 nomination, the Democrats “have their work cut out for them,” according to Dr. Herndon.

“Our results suggest that a potentially successful Democratic nominee may be lurking in the entertainment industry. Does this sound strange? Maybe. But when it comes to politics, we may have to get used to a future full of surprises.”
Gore/Clooney ’08!

(Hat tip Political Wire.)

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