Thursday's Name That Cult Movie Game!

Put on your thinking caps, and make sure it isn't a Brain Slug. If you recognize a quote, name the movie title in comments. Remember, every time you cheat using the IMDB, Tom Cruise makes another "Mission Impossible" flick.

1. "Don't worry. A naked girl is not going to get out of this complex."

2. "The chicken's beautiful, it's dead... are you gonna fuck it?"

3. "I'm about to go like Jesse on your ass! I'm gonna find me some other black ghosts and then organize a march. The African American Apparition Coalition. The A-double AC! And I'm gonna tell you something, Frank. There ain't nothin' worse than a bunch of pissed off brothers that's already dead."

4. "I hear all sorts of bullshit everyday, pal. You want some advice? Take your fancy clothes and your black silk underwear and go back to Disneyland."

5. "I got good news and bad news girls. The good news is your dates are here."
"What's the bad news?"
"They're dead."

6. "Robert, I have good news and bad."
"Custom dictates that you render the bad news first."
"We have a little problem with Miss Hastings. It appears she has uncovered our alliance."
"No problem at all. And the good news?"
"Your wife died."

7. "Queers are just better! I'd be so proud if you was a fag, and had a nice beautician boyfriend... I'd never have to worry!"
"There ain't nothin' to worry about."
"I'm worried you'll work in an office! Have children! Celebrate wedding anniversaries! The world of a heterosexual is a sick and boring life!"

8. "Look at 'em jump! Just like rabbits!"
"It... ain't... supposed to be... this way..." *dies*

9. "There are many different kinds of love, Boris. There's love between a man and a woman; between a mother and son..."
"Two women. Let's not forget my favorite."

10. "I caught a big fat bug right in my spider web and now the spider gets to give the bug a big sting... Sting! Sting! Sting! Sting!"

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