Stork Society More Advanced Than Humans

Well, what do you expect in The Netherlands? These gay storks are probably smoking pot, too.

Four gay storks have proved they are as capable of raising a family as their heterosexual counterparts.

Staff at the zoo in Overloon, near Eindhoven, were unsure if the gay and lesbian storks would still have the same natural urge to raise offspring. But after giving one egg to a pair of gay males to sit on, and another two eggs to a pair of lesbian storks, they say the gay storks took to parenthood straight away.

Zoo spokeswoman Esther Jansen said all three chicks had hatched successfully: "The gay storks look after the eggs and the chicks just as well as our heterosexual birds."
Dr. James Dobson has released a statement denouncing gay stork parenting. Concerned Women for America spokesman Peter LaBarbera was quoted as saying, “These radical homosexual storks are trying to undermine the American family. Next thing you know, they’ll be bringing gay babies to God-fearing American mothers and fathers.”

This picture almost makes me want a baby.

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