Snow Job

Oy. Off to an awesome start:

Ending his first week on the job on a chaotic note, White House Press Secretary Tony Snow on Friday conducted his first informal "press gaggle" this morning, but had to admit when it went awry, "This is just a mess."

…Snow has not scheduled a formal press briefing until Tuesday but attempted the more informal morning "gaggle" today. After scheduling it for 9:00, he switched it to 9:30 -- then began at 9:15, causing protests. "Well, I apologize," Snow said. "That's just flat my fault."

Then he had to admit he did not know enough to answer many questions, and referred a couple to deputy press secretary Dana Perino. She spoke so softly he had to intervene, reading some talking points from a sheet of paper. "As the new kid on the block, I'm not fully briefed on the issue," he said, or words that effect, numerous times.
Yowza. They’d better get the Snowmatron 3000 through production…fast.

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