I Stand Corrected

Back in April, I declared a Men’s News Daily column by David “Fart Button” Usher the Best Column Ever.

I was wrong.

This column, Stamping Out Feminism, is even better. I shan’t anoint it the Best Column Ever, though, because, clearly, Men’s News Daily has the ability to just keep giving and giving.

The money quote:

By removing the power of men the government has done the equivalent of removing the sun from the solar system. Without a sun there will not be any energy for nurturing to take place, the planets will fall out of orbit, chaos will ensue, and the solar system will collapse.
And here I thought that the only thing that semen and rays of sunshine had in common was Vitamin E, but it turns out they both emanate from the center of the universe.

Respect the cock! Tame the cunt!

(Hat tip to Vanessa.)

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