Have they never seen Green Acres?

Them city folks just don't know how good love can be down on the farm:

Frustrated by the limits their jobs put on their love life, some farmers and ranchers are turning to a Web site designed to play Cupid to members of the agricultural community sprawled across the United States and Canada.

"I had tried a couple of other sites," said Dan Temaat, a farmer in western Kansas. "Those people are all into their real expensive coffee and quitting at 4 o'clock in the afternoon. They just don't understand that out in farm country, that just doesn't happen."

So Temaat tried FarmersOnly.com, which caters to farmers and lovers of country living from Jerome, Idaho, to Stony Plain, Alberta, who are too busy to meet at bars or coffee shops.

Them city wimmin don't deserve you, Farmer Dan. Good luck! Hope you find somebody before harvest time.

(Crap - now I've got that theme song running through my head.)

(Cross-posted in the middle of a corn field...)

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