George Bush: Man of Action

I’m so proud to see our president jump into action mere weeks after illegal immigration started…

…as a campaign issue:

President Bush peered across this hot, dusty and very busy illegal crossing point on Thursday, hoping to offer conservatives balking at a broad immigration bill firsthand evidence that he's serious about tightening the nation's 2,000-mile border with Mexico.
Let me stop right there for a moment. I guess now that the president’s approval ratings have rebounded to a spectacular 35%, the media is sighing with relief at the opportunity to turn him into an action hero every time he gives the merest appearance of doing something at a staged photo op.

"I think it helps to have the president out here, seeing the part of the area of the country that one time was overrun by people coming in here, that's beginning to get settled down because of a strategy that's being employed," Bush said later in a packed room at the Border Patrol's Yuma Sector headquarters about 30 miles away.
Indeed. It’s always helpful to have the president go look at something. As opposed to actually doing something wise and judicious.

Bush also defended those who oppose his immigration proposal against criticism that there is an element of racism to their stance.

"I think it would be too harsh a judgment to say that somebody who doesn't support a comprehensive immigration plan is a racist," the president told CNN. "I don't believe that. I do believe citizens have got legitimate concerns, realizing that parts of this border have been open for anybody who wants to come across."
Okay, see, here’s why people think there’s “an element” of racism at play here. Because their ire is specifically directed at, as you note, “this border,” i.e. the Mexican one, i.e. that one that’s wide open between the US and a country of brown people. The wide open border areas between US and Canada don’t get nearly the same amount of attention, even though there genuinely have been terrorists who sought to cross that border. It’s not rocket science, sir, and we’re not fools.

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