Eww! Bodies are grody!

Pam reports that no advertisements for “inappropriate products” will be allowed to air during the Pope’s visit to Poland—including beer, lingerie, and tampons.

When I was listening to a piece on NPR about it yesterday, it also mentioned that any billboards with ads for the same products mentioned above, as well as condom ads, would be covered up so Ratzi wouldn't have to avert his eyes or think about bodily functions or sexual urges as he tours the streets.
Excuse me? Okay, I kind of understand the condom thing, since the Catholic Church is against birth control (even though I still regard the decision to pull condom ads to appease the Pope as ridiculous). But beer? Lingerie? And tampons?!

What’s so inappropriate about tampons? Frankly, considering the Catholic Church’s stance on contraception, which is the only thing—besides pregnancy, menopause, or disease—that can stop periods, I can’t for the life of me believe that there’s any good reason at all to object to a product that women need during menstruation. What’s the message here? That women’s reproductive processes are icky? Yeesh.

Hide your eyes, children! It’s a tampon!

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