CHRISTIANSEN: …And as I heard, you're going to visit for the first time the former GDR. Are you looking forward to that?Who gives a shit that he calls her Angela? What a knob-end.
BUSH: Yes, I am. It was very kind of Chancellor Merkel -- who I call Angela, by the way -- to invite me to her residence. It's a gesture of friendship that I appreciate. And Laura and I are looking forward to it. And it will give me a chance to continue our dialogue on important issues…
CHRISTIANSEN: …Chancellor Merkel told me that you've shown a lot of interest in her life, in her former life in the former GDR. What was the point of interest for you?“We were sitting around in the private dining room…” Who says shit like that?! Ooh, you got to go into the private dining room?! Wow—who would have thought that the most famous man in the world would be allowed into the private dining room? Quite a coup, that.
BUSH: Well, last night we were sitting around in the private dining room upstairs here, and I thought it would be interesting for her to describe what it was like to grow up in a communist world. Laura and I certainly don't know what that's like, nor did Condi Rice or Steve Hadley, the members of my team. And I thought it would be good for all of us to hear what it was like.
It was very interesting. She talked about -- you know, her dad was a pastor and she talked about the different pioneer clubs and the schools. It also gave me a chance to get a glimpse into her soul…
And again with the looking into someone’s soul horseshit. Man, he’s an idiot.
CHRISTIANSEN: That sounds more like a real transatlantic friendship than a partnership -- well, with difficulties we had before.Fucking hell! First of all, no shit you like to remind people that “9/11 changed everything.” Secondly, what a mendacious bastard to suggest that Schröder was indifferent to 9/11. And finally, I can’t believe he’s still trying to sell the same snake oil that there was a link between 9/11 and Iraq! Unbelievable!
BUSH: Well, listen, first of all, I had a good relationship with Chancellor Schröder. The problem was, of course, that there was a disagreement over a very difficult decision I had to make, and that was Iraq.
…And I like to remind people that September the 11th for us was a change in our history, and it certainly changed the way I thought. And for others, it was just a moment in passing. So there was a disagreement.
Honestly, there’ s so much crap in this interview, it’s hard to even boil it down. But here’s one last little snippet:
CHRISTIANSEN: Let me ask one more question to that climate topic. After Katrina, and after a lot of new evidence of rapid climate change, are you now convinced that this is really a serious problem?He knows nuclear power is controversial, but doesn’t “know” that the “argument…as to whether or not [greenhouse gasses] are naturally made or man-made” is one of the most useful talking points of the energy industry. You’d think living his life snugly in their pocket, he might have overheard them at some point discussing their plan to fund efforts to actively “[raise] questions about and [undercut] the prevailing scientific wisdom” on global warming.
BUSH: No, I've always said greenhouse gasses are a problem. There is an argument there as to whether or not they're naturally made or man-made. And my attitude is, let's just get beyond that argument and do something about it. I believe that we need more nuclear power. If you're really interested in solving greenhouse gas problems, nuclear power is one of the great renewable sources of energy. I know it's controversial.
And, not to get all “logical” on Mr. Faith-Based Beliefs or anything, but how the fuck do we “do something about” greenhouse gasses if we don’t identify their primary source? If it’s we who are producing them, then nuclear power, which produces fewer CO2 emissions, might “help,” although it certainly has its own problems. If the gasses are “naturally made,” then how in the name of all that’s holy does a switch to nuclear power make a damn bit of difference, except to these folks?
Honestly, he is an embarrassment. For more fun, check out the whole thing, and see what he’s “explained…to people in our country” about Iran.
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