Blessed are the Cheesemakers?

Yes, now you too can smell like this.

And they call her... Charlie! Cheesy!

Eau de Stilton: cheesy perfume with a pong

I want everyone in the U.S. to start using "pong" in place of "smell." I just love that word.
LONDON (AFP) - Lovers of Britain's pungent Stilton cheese can now fill their nostrils with its notorious aroma, which has been captured in a new perfume, the makers said.

The Stilton Cheese Makers Association plans to introduce Eau de Stilton sometime this year or early next year.

The scent has the "earthy and fruity" aroma of the blue-veined cheese but is unlike the smell of "old socks" that some people associate with Stilton, the maufacturer claims.

One female Stilton employee told AFP: "I've had the perfume on all day and none of the men complained."

File under "Products no one asked for."

All I know is, these people had better stay away from my dog if they're wearing this perfume. Being gnawed to death by a rat terrier is a very embarrassing way to die.

"It's not much of a cheese shop, is it?"
"It's the finest in the district, sir!"
"Explain the logic underlying that conclusion, please."
"Well, it's so clean, sir."
"It's certainly uncontaminated by cheese."

(I'm a cross-post and I'm okay, I sleep all night and I work all day.)

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