And What Do You Viewers at Home Think?

Now that the press has realized that their sucking up to Bush has amounted to absolutely zilch, what with their recent smack in the face from Dear Leader, what do you think the response will be in the future? Not just with Bush, but with future Presidents as well? Do you think this will result in a much more cynical press, a return to the "watchdog of the president" mindset that we used to have in this country, or do you think this will cause them to retreat even more in fear? Will reporters finally get off their lazy asses and begin doing their jobs again, or will fear of punishment make them even more cowardly?

When Bush comes out with statements denying that they are listening in on domestic calls, are they going to take him at his word, ignore the problem, or are they going to bite back?
WASHINGTON - President Bush insisted Tuesday that the United States does not listen in on domestic telephone conversations among ordinary Americans. But he declined to specifically discuss the government's alleged compiling of phone records, or whether it would amount to an invasion of privacy.

"We do not listen to domestic phone calls without court approval," Bush said in an East Room news conference with Australian Prime Minister John Howard.
Oh, really?

Is that so?
"What I've told the American people is we'll protect them against an al-Qaida attack. And we'll do that within the law," Bush said.

The president's new press secretary, Tony Snow, later insisted that Bush's comments did not amount to a confirmation of published reports that the NSA's surveillance was broader than initially acknowledged and that it included secretly collecting millions of phone-call records.

You know, if you folks in the press are willing to accept this without question, I'm sure you'll be interested in this lovely Manhattan-area property I'm willing to sell to you.

(It was a smack in the face, how quickly I was replaced, and are you thinking of me when you cross-post her?)

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