Wal-Mart Rulezzz

Seriously, I wouldn’t step foot in a fucking Wal-Mart if you paid me, which is no easy feat considering it’s the biggest store in this lousy town, but lest I needed yet another reason to avoid the Evil Empire (for the minimally less evil K-empire that is my only option), how about this?

They hire a thrice-convicted sex offender named Bobby Devon Randall, who then proceeds to touch himself in front a 10-year-old girl in the electronics aisle. The incident was caught on video and is now going to trial six years after the complaint was filed. Here’s the best part:

After her daughter told her what happened, Hollins returned to the superstore the next day to speak to a manager and was offered a $25 gift certificate as a token of concern, according to the complaint filed in Richland County.
How much therapy does $25 buy at Wal-Mart?

This poor girl has understandably been a mess since this incident, when she went to look for an Aaliyah CD and instead found a disgusting pervert who took advantage of her, and suckass Wal-Mart’s best offer until they were sued was a $25 gift certificate?! What an asshole that store manager is. Of course, I don’t suppose you can expect much from someone who didn’t bother to make sure convicted child molesters weren’t hired in the first place.

(Hat tip Dlisted.)

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