Thursday Name That Cult Movie Game!

You know the drill: Leave your guesses in comments, and if you use the IMDB to cheat, your head will fall off at a socially awkward moment.

1. Robin Hood: "Here we are, madam. Congratulations. Well done. Congratulations."
(One of the Merry Men punches the woman in the face)
Robin Hood: "Is that absolutely necessary?"
Man: (Rants gibberish)
Robin Hood: "What did he say?"
Marion: "He said yes, he's afraid it is."
Robin Hood: "Ah, fine."

2. "I went to one of those obedience places once... it was all going well until they spilled hot candle wax on my private parts."

3. "This is a lovely golf course, I'm tempted to join the club."
"I'm afraid you can't."
"You mean they discriminate against Scots?"
"No, they just don't want assholes in the clubhouse."

4. "Look, Babs. So many little eggies, and I'm still starving, and I'm going to eat them all before I go to sleepie." (That one's especially for Shakes. ;) )

5. "Don't fight it son. Confess quickly! If you hold out too long you could jeopardize your credit rating!"

6. "When are kids gonna learn? Just say no to Butt Polish."

7. "There's danger in that hungry plant... It thrives on meat!"

8. "Every bone in his body must be broken. But I'm not sure that's what killed him."

9. "Tonight, on the Clamp Cable Classic Movie Channel, don't miss Casablanca, now in full color... with a happier ending!"

10. "You clowns are on dope!"
"You didn't see nothing old man. We're just five happy party clowns, sitting down to a plate of beef. White- powdery- beef."

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