Still crazy ####ing Joey.

From the Good News Dept. at, it looks like Viggo Mortensen will be doing some more work with David Cronenberg in the near future:

Mortensen will help the new flesh live longer by reuniting with his A History of Violence helmer for his latest project, a London-based thriller called Eastern Promises. The story, written by Dirty Pretty Things scribe Steve Knight, follows a nurse looking into the death of a Russian girl during childbirth, who turns out to have been part of a sex-trafficking organization. The Vig plays a guy involved with the Russian mob who probably shoots people in the face.
The plot description doesn't immediately grab me, but Cronenberg's involvment does; Mortensen is just icing on the cake. A History of Violence was one of my favorite movies last year, and Viggo's work as the ambigiously historied Tom Stall was a big part of why the movie worked- the gradual unveiling of the character's possible culpability in the events going on around him made for one of the most affecting, and subtle performances I've seen.

Cronenberg's big thing is body horror, and I don't doubt this one will end up disturbing as hell. Huzzah to that, I say. Can't say for certain if this movie will get made, as he tends to dabble in any number of projects before he commits himself to one, but any casting is a step in the right direction. I wonder if there's any chance we'll see Maria Bello as the nurse...

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