Question of the Day

And I'll try not to word it too awkwardly.

So, I have a birthday coming up. It's a month off, actually, but I got the standard e-mail from my mother today: "So what do you want for your birthday?"

The thing is, I don't really need anything. I could do the standard "just look at my Amazon wish list," (dont' hit me Shakes, I'll switch it to B&N, I swear!) but I always feel like it's not necessary. Now, my family is a group of people for whom the statement "Seriously, I don't want anything, just being together is enough" does not work, so I suppose I'll have to come up with something.

But like I said, I don't really need anything.

So... what do you ask for on your birthday (or any other gift-giving holiday) when your cup is full?

And I'm still bitter that Trader Vic's is closed and I can't spend my birthday there like I always do. Meh.

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