QoTD: Busted! Hahahaha! Edition

Alright, so we've covered sexual position and place now we move on to Shaker Starling's suggestion: most embarrassing time getting caught in the act.

I was sixteen and had taken my boyfriend home after school, since I was the one with a car. His parents were both teachers and never came home before five. We decided to be adventurous and get it on in the middle of the living room. Can you see where this is going? Anyway, this living room happened to have a HUGE bay window and if you were walking up and stood on the front stoop, you could see right into the living room. Sooooo, we were in the midst of it and the doorbell rings. And then the door opens. It's his mom. She came home early and had seen us through the window (hence the doorbell ringing).

Now, now. This isn't the most embarrassing part. No, no. It gets better.

You see, we had jumped up and I grabbed a blanket to cover up with. Mrs. Boyfriend's Mother proceeded to then lecture us about sex. Right there in the living room. At one point she noticed I had the blanket and asked me:

"Do you have any pants on?"

"Um. No."

"Why don't you go put on some pants?"

I laugh about this now but, man, was I mortified at the time. I actually have more 'caught' stories to tell. I should tell you the one involving my mom and "you have big balls" some time.

So, Shakers, whatcha got?

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