
Quite literally, if you define insanity as doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. (Which, I’ve just noticed, is the same point Shaker Truth made, who gets the hat tip.)

A confidential Treasury Department review of a United Arab Emirates firm's pending purchase of the British-based contractor that makes components for a tank used by the U.S. Army is expected to go to the White House as soon as this week, according to administration officials.

The proposed $1.2 billion deal is almost identical to Dubai Ports World's takeover of the British firm that operated American ports from Miami to New York.
And we all know how well that went over.

[Rep. John Barrow (D-GA)] said he was particularly angry at the White House and Treasury Department for failing to give him straight answers about the deal, considering one of Doncasters's plants is in his district in Rincon, Ga.

…"We have been pestering them about this, trying to get some person to understand this for more than a month. Today I had my first conversation. I asked to speak to the treasury secretary. I ended up talking to an assistant secretary at Treasury who does not know when the investigation will finish or whether a recommendation has been made," he said.

Mr. Barrow added, "I don't think it's politicizing the process to know what the hell is going on.”
No shit.

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